Water Resource Management Unit
The Water Resource Management Unit (WRMU) maintains a hydrological database and provides data and information to government ministries, non-government institutions and students.
The Unit is involved in assessing the status and overall management of water resources in St. Vincent & the Grenadines (SVG) through monitoring hydrological and meteorological parameters in the upper and lower watersheds.
Hydrological Parameters: variables of the water or hydrological cycle such as surface runoff, stream flow, ground water, and precipitation.
As a result the unit collects, processes, manages, validates and analyzes these hydrological and meteorological data.
The WRMU Operates and Maintains:
10 Automatic Water Level Recording Stations (River level variation and flow)
5 Automatic Climate Stations (Parameters of measurements includes Rainfall, Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Air Pressure, Solar Radiation, Evaporation, Wind Speed and Soil Temperature from 5cm to 35cm)
26 Automatic tipping Bucket Rainfall Stations (Distributed throughout St. Vincent and the Grenadines at Varying elevations)
26 Ground water Measuring Stations (Throughout St. Vincent, Bequia and Union Island)
21 Flow Measuring Stations (Throughout St. Vincent).
WRMU Data:
Rainfall Data
2009 Daily Rainfall 2013 Daily Rainfall 2017 Daily Rainfall
2010 Daily Rainfall 2014 Daily Rainfall 2018 Daily Rainfall
2011 Daily Rainfall 2015 Daily Rainfall 2019 Daily Rainfall
2012 Daily Rainfall 2016 Daily Rainfall
Gauging 2009-2015
Warrawarrow River, Belair
Colonarie River
Dallaway River
Calliaqua River
Cumberland River
Jenning River
Ruthland Vale River, Layou
Majorca River (Majorca River Downstream of Intake)
Buccament River
Caratal River, Perseverance
Colonarie River (South Rivers' River Downstream of Intake)
Colonarie River (South Rivers' River Upstream of Intake)
Zenga River, Hopewell
Gauging 2015-2020
Warrawarrow River, Belair
Colonarie River
Dallaway River
Calliaqua River
Yambou River
Cumberland River
Jenning River
Ruthland Vale River, Layou
Majorca River (Majorca River Downstream of Intake)
Buccament River
Caratal River, Perseverance
Colonarie River (South Rivers' River Downstream of Intake)
Colonarie River (South Rivers' River Upstream of Intake)
Zenga River, Hopewell
Climate Station Data (2009-2015)
Belle Isle
Dumbarton Temperature (Celsius)
Dumbarton Air Pressure
Rabacca Solar Radiation
Rabacca Temperature (Celsius)
Rabacca Air Pressure
Rivulet Relative Humidity
Rivulet Solar Radiation
Rivulet Temperature (Celsius)
Rivulet Air Pressure