Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions from our customers. If your question is not on the list or has not been answered appropriately, please do not hesitate to contact our customer care department for further enquiries.
Can a customer pay a water/sewerage bill by cheque through mail?
Certainly! The CWSA encourages payments by cheque through the mail. Just post the bill and cheque to the CWSA - See address on the "Contact Us" page. We will mail your receipt without delay.
How does a consumer request changes to a mailing/ billing address?
The CWSA has a form prepared for this purpose. Just check with the Enquiries Clerk at out Montrose Office. The consumer may also submit the information for the required change in writing to the CWSA.
Is it possible to obtain a statement of my account for a specific period?
Yes, but the request must be submitted in writing. Consumers may also obtain information relating to their account from the Enquiries desk
How can a metered consumer check for leaks?
The consumer must make sure all taps are turned off, and toilets are not filling up, then lift the lid on the meter and check the small red dial. If the dial is revolving, then there is a leak. Leaks may be caused by broken pipes underground, overflowing toilet tanks, or leaking taps. Remember, leaks cost money. Call in your plumber as soon as you discover a leak. A leak fixed in time saves many a dime!
How are rates charged for metered consumers?
There is a monthly basic service charge of $14.00 and a monthly environmental fee of $11.00, which is applicable to all connections. Additional charges are as follows:

How can a metered consumer check for leaks?
The consumer must make sure all taps are turned off, and toilets are not filling up, then lift the lid on the meter and check the small red dial. If the dial is revolving, then there is a leak. Leaks may be caused by broken pipes underground, overflowing toilet tanks, or leaking taps. Remember, leaks cost money. Call in your plumber as soon as you discover a leak. A leak fixed in time saves many a dime!
Can a consumer request that a meter be tested?
Yes. The fee for testing meters is $100.00. If the meter is found to be faulty, the consumer is refunded this fee. However, if there are signs that the meter has been tampered with, the CWSA will be forced to take other action.
What is the charge for restoring a supply which has been restricted or disconnected?
The fee is $100.00.
Sometimes my bill shows arrears even though I know I have been paying all outstanding bills. Why is this?
This happens if you paid after the current bill was printed. The amount would therefore have been outstanding at the time of printing but would have since been credited to your account. Once you know that you have already paid, there is no need to worry about it.
How does water reach our homes and businesses?
Water arrives at our homes and businesses after being harnessed at our source, usually a river or spring, treated and disinfected for pollutants at a water treatment plant and is then conveyed through storage tanks and a network of pipes of decreasing sizes.
Where does water go after we have used it?
Wastewater, as it would be known then, is discharged into drains, septic and sewerage systems where it may be further treated before disposal.
What is potable water?
Potable Water is water that is safe for human consumption, free from harmful or objectionable materials.
How much water does the average person use per day in SVG?
Water usage varies significantly depending on several factors such as customers' affluence, availability of a potable supply and cost. In St. Vincent we use an average of 30 (imperial) gallons per person per day.
Why does drinking water sometimes look cloudy when first taken from the tap?
This is the effect of many tiny air bubbles trapped in the water. This occurs when empty pipe lines have to be filled at a rate much higher than the rate of removal of the air. The air is then forced to be mixed with the water in the pipes producing many tiny bubbles and giving the cloudy appearance. If left standing, the bubbles eventually disappear leaving a clear liquid.
Some persons install home filters or home treatment devices. Is that necessary?
It is not usually necessary if the water supply is clear and clean.
Why does my water sometimes have a chlorine taste or smell?
Chlorine is used as the disinfectant and residual chlorine is an indication of safe drinking water. Please however report any incidents of excessive odors to the CWSA.
What causes water mains to break?
A number of reasons exist for causes of water main damage. Some of these include aging pipes, corrosion, high pressure, passage of heavy objects and vehicles and improper installation.
Sometimes when I flush the toilet it keeps running until I jiggle the handle. What should I do?
Call your plumber.
I have an old brass faucet that I want to keep, but it constantly drips. How can I repair the faucet?
Call your plumber.